Monday, October 20, 2008

Photography At Any Age

Getting into photography at a later age is a huge challenge. When you reach a certain age things start to slow down and that include your reflexes and learning curve. Owning a SLR can be out of the question as you get older; the learning curve is very high not to mention the cost. A great alternative can be a higher end point and shoot. Today the P&S are indeed clever.
I was given the Canon S5 IS 12x zoom for my birthday...what a wonderful gift. Of course I was very intimidated by all the buttons and settings; I previously had a Sony pocket P&S.
I think these high ends are as close as you can get to a DSLR without all the expensive lenses. This camera boasts a super macro that is superb and 12x zoom that is to die for. As with all high zoom P&S it has it's limits but it is my favourite feature.
Back to the challenge: there are so many different settings from full auto to full manual with some funky stuff in between. For those who are memory challenged they have a save your setting, setting. But I keep forgetting to use it? So even us older folks have an alternative to the SLRs.

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Southern Ontario, Canada
Developmental Service Worker. Currently a Detention Supervisor